Monday, February 4, 2013

Somewhere over the rainbow....

Have you ever stared at a rainbow and wondered where it leads to and if it is in fact a land that you dreamed of?

Or how many of you have wondered why in fct the rainbow is there in the first place, and what it means?

Well any of you familiar with Genesis and the beginning of times in the bible, may know this, and for those of you who don't i want to share this awesome fact with you.

God created man, called them man and woman, the population was growing from Adam and Eve, and God was disgraced by the wickedness of the people of earth.

He asked Noah to make an ark, and told him on a certain day to get onto to ark with his wife, sons and sons wives and one male and female of every kind of living creature, birds etc. Then he flooded the earth to wash away mankind, all creatures and their wickedness.

When it was safe to leave the ark, when the floods had completely gone and the earth was dry, God spoke to Noah. He said, "Whenever i bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, i will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life." "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, i will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." So God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant i have established between me and all life on the earth." Genesis 9:14-17.

Pretty awesome if you ask me :)

Monday, January 14, 2013


Ever felt sad, angry, happy, excited, regretful, hurt, needed encouragement?

What ever you may be feeling at any time, have you ever then happened to see a quote someone posted on Facebook, or Instagram, or just stumbled across one somewhere at the right time?

Quotes are awesome things, they get straight to the point, and remind us of a better perspective to look at what ever situation we are in, resulting in however we are feeling at the time.

Even better, they are just a 'google' search away.
Just type in the most descriptive word on how you feel, add 'quote' to it, and you have hundreds of feel good quotes to get a better perspective on things.

I loved this quote i took a photo of at a restaurant called Italianni's in Fort Bonifacio, Philippines.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I was in Vegas, and came across this totally awesome store.
Floors and floors of M&M's with some very imaginative packaging, Now i will let the photo's speak for themselves. :)


Need more space to carry around your M&M's?

Feeling sleepy? Time to drift off into M&M land...

All those M&M's must make you thirsty. That's ok, here's a thirst quenching bottle of MnM's for you!


Don't forget to sleep without your M&M teddy! 

Late for an appointment, but still need your M&M fix? Sure you'll make it on time in
this M&M sports car!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Autumn leaves

I just love the way the leaves start to change color in Autumn. Then all these beautiful shades of  leaves layer the pavements, like multi colored art brightening up our walk to our desired designation. Thanks to nature, another simple yet awesome thing!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Birthday's = Commitment

Ok so we all have one. When we are young, 5 going on 6, 11 going on 12, 15 going on 16, we can't wait for that special day to come around.
"Yay we are a year older and a year closer to doing what ever we want." "I wonder what presents i will get!?" Sounds familiar?

It seems when we are younger we are in such a hurry to grow up, then when we get older, we wish our birthday came every 5 years, before we move on to our next age... All being said, it seems it's not just New Years that gives us a reason to make new resolutions of things we want to achieve, goals we want to meet, commitments we want to finally stick too!

My service at church today, held by the most awesome Pastor Eric, at South Valley Community church in Gilroy, was talking about commitment today. And Christian or not, it's really something we all could do with a reminder about.

Life, talents, love...

Are you mature enough to stick to your commitments?

What's talents were you gifted with, and have you made use of them?

There is no such thing as love without commitment, just as a violin cannot be played without it's strings attached. How do you love?

If you sell yourself in anyway to become a millionaire, then who cares much about the money anymore!? Luke 9:25 NEB

Just as God is not interested in the values of your wealth, but in the wealth of your values.
Rich or not where do your values stand?

Are your routes planted firmly in the ground, like a cactus who's roots are planted deep into the ground, and grow fruits even in the hottest of temperatures, or are you like a dandelion blowing away with the wind?

Whether or not we are excited for our birthdays to keep coming each year, our birthdays are an awesome thing, and we are blessed to have one come around each year, so maybe we can challenge ourselves on that next special day, and ask ourselves what commitments have we made, or do we need to make in our lives. Maybe it's time for some new challenges, and commitments. Spice up life a little. Time is precious.

Happy birthday to all you birthday boys and girls.. Make it a special one this year! :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Modern day witches!

Remember the stories from many fairy tales such as Sleeping beauty, Hansel and Gretel and snow white!?

The Witches in these stories have many spells and potions, turning people into animals, or sending a beautiful young princess to sleep for a hundred years.

Then there are some more pleasant potions that can make the ugliest of the witches look like a beautiful, flawless Queen.

Well it seems that pharmaceutical companies have become our modern day witches, and we would all like to think that this is a good thing, and that their potions will work, as well as the potions in the fairy tails we have all watched.

Pharmaceutical companies have formed hundreds of blends that promise us good health in one way or another. To sleep better, to feel less hungry, to have more energy, to feel less stressed, to have better skin, better hair, a better body!

What ever we want, we can just pick up a little magic potion from our nearest Pharmacy in the form of a pill or drink of some sort, and after a few days, ta-dah, it's like magic we are transformed into this new being of our choice!

Well if only it were that miraculous, but isn't it good to know, that we are constantly coming up with newer and better ways to improve our health. And if there are potions we can take each day to send us well on our way to achieving this, then thanks to all our awesome, modern day witches!